Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reply and Delete--Make it Automatic

Today’s Topic: Reply and Delete the Original Message Automatically

Who? Anyone who would like a tidier inbox.

Why? Lots of the emails in our inbox are no longer needed—we just forgot to go back and delete them after we replied.

How? Watch this short screencast:

Reply and Delete--Make it Automatic from 10Tech on Vimeo.
 (Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2010—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't Recreate--Make a Template and Save Times in Outlook

NOTE: This week’s F1 Tuesday features a rather monotone guy from Microsoft, but it’s a good tip and there was no need to reinvent the wheel. Also, this is a great example of what’s available at the Microsoft Office Help site (just an F1 button away). Thanks to Linda Reed for suggesting it for an F1 Tuesday.

Today’s Topic: Save Time with Templates in Outlook

Who? Anyone who sends the same or very similar email messages over and over. For instance, a reminder you have to send regularly or information parents frequently request.

Why? Because it’s a pain to retype the same information over and over again. We’re busy!

How? Visit the Microsoft Office Help and watch one or both short videos there that describe this nifty tip. Here's the link: Save Time with Templates in Outlook

(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2010—different software will yield different results.)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Top Secret

Today’s Topic: Go Behind the Scenes and Learn How the Folks at F1 Offer Such Expert Advice AND Learn How to Make the BCC Field Always Appear in an Email

Who? People who can keep secrets.

Why? Because you’re curious. You know you are.

How? Watch this short screencast:
(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ignore and Automatically Delete Unwanted Emails

Today’s Topic: Keep Your Inbox Tidy by Automatically Deleting “Reply All” Responses
Who? Anyone who hates seeing everyone’s reply to a message they may not have even needed in the first place.
Why? Keeping a tidy inbox is hard, but Outlook 2010 has some nifty features that help. With one click you can prevent unwanted emails from even showing up in your inbox.
How? Watch this short screencast:

(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2010—different software will yield different results.)