Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Google Instant Preview--SEE Your Search Results

Today’s Topic: Google Instant Preview—SEE Your Search Results

Who? Anyone who uses Google as a search engine.

Why? Google just made searching even better. It used to be you had to click on each of your search results (thus leaving the search results page) just to see if a result met your needs. Often a quick glance it all it takes, but when the site doesn’t meet your needs, you have to go back to the search results page to click through the remaining search results. Not anymore—you can do your initial previewing of sites without leaving the results page. What will you do with all the time you save?

How? Watch this short screencast:

Google Instant Preview from 10Tech on Vimeo.
(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Access Denied! Really? I Thought We Had Access to That Site

Today’s Topic: Access Denied! What to do when you are blocked from a site you think you should have access to.

Who? Staff members who have ever gotten the warning shown at the right.

Why? You may be being blocked from content that you should have access to. This screencast show you how to go from Access Denied! to Access Allowed!

How? Watch this short screencast:

Access Denied! from 10Tech on Vimeo.
(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Adding Tabs to Your Home Page in Internet Explorer

Today’s Topic: Adding Tabs to Your Home Page in Internet Explorer

Who? Users who like to have websites they frequently use right at their fingertips.

Why? Are there websites you frequently visit throughout the day? You can have them open automatically whenever you open Internet Explorer, saving you time and clicks.

How? Watch this short screencast:

Adding Tabs to Your Home Page from 10Tech on Vimeo.

(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Get One-Click Access to Public Calendars You Frequently Use

Today’s Topic: Adding a Public Calendar to Your Calendar List in Outlook

Who? Users who frequently access public calendars in Outlook.

Why? Public calendars in Outlook are buried deep in the Outlook folders, requiring several clicks (and a good memory) in order to get to them. This demonstration gives you one-click (yes, that’s just one click) access to the calendars you frequently access. What will you do with all your extra time?

How? Watch this short screencast:

Adding a Public Calendar to Your Calendar List in Outlook from 10Tech on Vimeo.
Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 and Office 2007--different software may yield different results.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Are You in the Correct Email Distribution Groups? Plus a Bonus Demonstration!

Today’s Topic: “Are You in the Correct Email Distribution Groups?”

Who? Anyone who gets email from groups they no longer are a part of.

Why? We’re all members of at least at least a few district distribution groups in Outlook (e.g. 4th Grade Teachers or ActivBoard Users). This allows people to easily email all members of that group. It’s only a problem when you’re no longer a member of a group but you keep getting the emails. This screencast shows you how to easily see which distribution lists you’re currently a member of. If you discover you are a member of group you no longer belong to, simply send a Tech Repair Request explaining you’d like to be removed from that group. NOTE: You cannot ask to be deleted from all-staff distribution lists (e.g. SL Staff, etc.) or TEA, etc. ANOTHER NOTE: This screencast shows you how to see what distribution groups you belong to at the district level (e.g. distribution lists that everyone has access to). If you are a member of someone’s personal distribution list, you’ll need to contact that person directly to ask to be removed if necessary.*

How? Watch this short screencast:

Are You in the Correct Distribution Lists? from 10Tech on Vimeo.

*If you’re uncertain about the difference between district-level (or “global”) distribution lists and personal distribution lists, you can watch this bonus F1 video demonstration. (Yes, that makes this a 2 for 1 F1 Tuesday!)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pinning Programs and Documents

Today’s Topic: “Pinning” Programs and Documents So They Are at Your Fingertips!

Who? Anyone who wants to work more efficiently.

Why? Pinning a program to your start menu or taskbar means you don’t have to go looking for it—it’s just a click away. Same goes for pinning documents—do you have a document you use regularly, but not regularly enough for it to remain in your “recent documents” list? Here’s your solution!

How? Watch this short screencast:

Pinning Programs and Documents from 10Tech on Vimeo.

(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Scheduling and Accepting Meeting Invitations Using the Outlook Calendar

Today’s Topic: Scheduling and Accepting Meeting Invitations Using the Outlook Calendar

Who? Everyone who schedules and/or attends meetings, but isn’t using the Outlook Calendar to do so.

Why? You’ve probably seen them—meeting invitations that show up in your inbox, then disappear once you click accept. Where do they go? To your Outlook Calendar. And what about those fancy reminder windows that pop up right before the meeting? How do you make those happens? Well, these mysteries are cleared up in this little demo.

How? Watch this short screencast:

Scheduling and Accepting Appointments and Meetings w/ Outlook Calendar from 10Tech on Vimeo.

(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Windows 7 (and Vista) Can Help You Find the Things You're Looking For

Today’s Topic: Windows 7 (and Vista) Search—Helping You Find the Things You Thought You Lost
Who? Anyone who can’t remember where they saved something or what they called it. Anyone who’s ever said, “Yeah, I think I remember an email about that but I’ll have to go back and see if I can find it.”
Why? The very quick and very robust search tool in Windows 7 (and Vista) searches your entire computer (yes, it even looks INSIDE the documents) to find the words you’re searching for. (It really is amazing. I’d be lost without it!)
How? Watch this short screencast:

Windows 7 (and Vista) Search from 10Tech on Vimeo.
(Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2007—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Using Presenter View in PowerPoint

Today’s Topic: Using Presenter’s View in PowerPiont
Who? Anyone who uses PowerPoint to present to an audience.
Why? Presenter’s view allows the presenter to see the notes section of his/her presentation AND the slides that are coming up, while all the audience sees is the slide projected on the screen.
How? Watch this short screencast:

Using Presenter's View from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 (operating system) and PowerPoint 2007. Use of different software will yield different results.