Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Open Multiple Tabs Automatically in Internet Explorer

Today’s Topic: Make Internet Explorer work for you by automatically opening up the websites you frequently visit.

Who? Every user who has as set of websites (like Google or Skyward) they’d like to have at their fingertips all the time.

Why? Some people navigate to the same set of sites several times a day and each time they do, they start fresh, requiring several clicks and/or typing. By presetting your tabs, all you have to do is open IE and all your sites will be there.

How? Watch this short screencast:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Disabling Your Missed Call Notifications

Today’s Topic: How to disable the notification in Outlook that says you missed a call

Who? People who figure that if someone doesn't leave a message, then they don’t expect you to call them back and therefore don’t want the notifications cluttering up their inboxes.

Why? A missed call notification is just one more thing you have to delete if you want a tidy inbox.J

How? Watch this video:

disable missed call feature from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Understand Your Status in Lync

Today’s Topic: Understand Your Status in Lync

Who? Lync users.

Why? Some people think (in most cases, incorrectly) that their status (available, busy, etc.) impacts their call forwarding status.

How? Watch this short explanation:

Understand Your Status in Lync from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams

Today’s Topic: Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams

Who? Anyone who has online accounts with banks, Facebook, or other institutions or organizations.

Why? People who want to get your info are getting more and more sophisticated. You need to know how to recognize their tactics so you don't become a victim. This week’s tip comes from the folks at Penn State, but it’s pertinent to all of us so I’m passing it on. 

How? Watch this short video from the folks at Penn State. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Transfer a Call from Your Computer to Your Classroom (HP) Phone

Today’s Topic: Transfer a Call from Your Computer to Your Classroom (HP) Phone

Who? Anyone who wants to be able to transfer an incoming call to their classroom phone when the call comes in on their computer.

Why? If you are in your classroom when you get a call through the Lync system and want to take the call but don't want the conversation to be heard by students in the room. (Thanks to Nancy Adamson, TMS for suggesting this useful topic.)
How? Watch this short demonstration: 

Transfer a call to your classroom phone from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mail Merge--It's Not That Complicated

Today’s Topic: Mail Merge--It's Not that Complicated

Who? Anyone who wants to automatically add names, information, and/or data from a spreadsheet into Word documents or emails.

Why? Because it saves LOTS of time! Suppose you want to send students’ math scores out to parents, but you don’t want to write an individual email to each parent? Mail merge to the rescue! (Thanks to Melissa Morlock, LWES for suggesting this useful topic.)

How?  Watch this screencast:

Mail Merge from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Check Your Call Quality on Lync in under 90 Seconds

Today’s Topic: Check Your Call Quality on Lync in under 90 Seconds

Who? Anyone unstatified with the quality of their calls using their computer/laptop/USB phone connected to their computer.

Why? Some people (especially those using their laptop to make calls) have expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the call and have just assumed that “that’s the way it is.” But you can fix it.

How? Watch this screencast:

Checking Your Call Quality in Lync from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Set up Lync So That Calls Forward to Voice Mail ONLY During the Time You're Teaching

Who Might Be Interested? Teachers will primarily be interested in this one, but others might be as well.

Why? Teachers generally don’t want their Lync extension (on their computer) to ring during class, however, they would like to receive calls before and after school without having to remember to keep turning on and off call forwarding. This demonstration shows you how to set it up so that calls will only forward during the time you teach. NOTE: This will not affect your classroom phone. That phone is set up to always ring.

How? Watch this video:

Forward Calls ONLY During Work Hours from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lync: Mastering the Basics

Today’s Topic: Lync: Mastering the Basics

Who? Phone users (yes, pretty much all of you)---especially those who are trying to call staff members’ personal extensions and it’s not working.

Why? Because people are a little confused. How? Watch this demo:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Get Lynced In! Set Up Your Voice Mail and Make a Call

Welcome back! Today's F1 Tuesday addresses the topic that many staff members are wondering about: our new phone system. You can read more about the project and how it affects you here. And, if you want to get started right away, the demo below shows you how to set up your voice mail and make a call. Finally, if you're just interested in learning more about all the cool things you can do with our new system (like video conference and share your screen and IM) check out the Microsoft Lync Learning Center. Or, just go ahead--open up Lync and explore--you're not likely to break it!

Set Up Your Voice Mail and Make a Call with Lync from 10Tech on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sneak a Peek Before You Open

Today’s Topic: Get a preview of your document before you open it to make sure you’ve got the right one.
Who? People who open documents (aka everyone).
Why? Sometimes you can’t quite remember what you named something, but you know you’ll recognize it when you see it.
How? Watch this short screencast:

 (Note: This demonstration features Windows 7 operating system and Office 2010—different software will yield different results.)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Open a New Document from an Existing One

Today’s Topic: Open a New Document from an Existing One
Who? Word users.
Why? Sometimes you want to use an old document as a starting place for a new document, but you don’t want to modify the original document in the process.
How? Watch this short screencast: